Team member, Tommy Vorio, will be part of a panel discussion: Passing the Torch: Succession Planning for Your Business
This session will explore National, State and Regional perspectives on business succession. Panelists will provide insight into examples of successful business transitions and opportunities for business owners on the cusp of retirement.
According to the California Association of Business Brokers, there are approximately 70,000,000 Baby Boomers on the verge of retirement. Retiring Boomer business owners will sell or bequeath $10 trillion worth of assets over the next two decades. Some of that wealth will transfer in the form of business assets, of which 12 million private entities are owned by baby Boomers. In Southern Vermont residents are older overall than those in the region. According to the Southern Vermont CEDS, in 2017 over 52% of the roughly 80,000 residents were 45 or older.